Sunday, February 26, 2012

Inspiring Me!!

These 20 years of my life I've spent meeting new people. Some become my friends, some just keep it to the Hi's and the Hello's and some being judgmental keep their distances. I'm quite social when surrounded with people but then I do prefer my alone time more since it helps me reflect on my life, on the way people behave and how this world goes. Lately, I've got to know a few really interesting people who I really never thought connected to me to this extent. People have inspiring stories to tell and the struggle they go through is really something. Everyone in this world have secrets. I do too and as quoted by a friend of mine "It's how people deal with them is what makes them superheros." People are happy, people are sad. They make decisions, they make mistakes. It defines what and who they are. You cannot just understand what they go through simply by listening to their stories. The battles that they fight and the way they make it through. Who knows what could happen.  This journey of life taught me two things. 1. Never believe what others make you believe. 2. Always listen to your heart no matter what.
I've dealt with different types of people. I regret opening up to certain ones where as I will never regret sharing my life with a few. I've been back stabbed, deceived, betrayed, made believe to trust and I've been naive enough to let them have their way. Then there are those who pick me up when I fall, mend me when I'm broken, listen to what I have to say and are always there for me. Relations and bonds are meant to be broken and some are just made to take you through your life. Just when I was going through a difficult phase in my life I came across someone who have truly inspired me. I have no words to go on and praise them I simply respect them for everything they've been doing. I'm glad that we've come across each other and one thing is I'll always honor this special bond that we share. Rarely are such people found and when they are I've learnt to always treasure them, like always. Thankyou for inspiring me and giving me a reason to be awesome.

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