Friday, December 23, 2011

A Sandwich at a Cost of a Bloody Finger :D

Out of nowhere I decided to have breakfast this morning. So I decided to make the steak sandwich I wanted to eat. My nanu had made steaks (which were in the fridge ) for us before she left and after procrastinating for a while I dragged my self to the kitchen to fix myself the sandwich. Careless as ever I cut my finger while cutting the steak for it. Instead of panicking I ran to the shouting at my sister to bring some cotton and as I tried to stop my finger from bleeding the only thing on my mind was to take some pictures of my bloody finger.After taking a few photos I told a few friends of mine who Im sure would be thinking that Im really insane. As lame as this may sound I actually dedicate this blog to my poor finger which got sacrificed for a sandwich XD and even though Ive been making this blog a big deal this is going to be a short one so it has to end here :D My bloody finger rocks and so does my freakin awesome sandwich :D 


  1. Now if you call a blog dedicated to a bloody finger insane, what would you call a blog describing 20 years of someone's life in detail? :P

  2. lol lol lo :D all i can say :p

  3. ^Yeah It is but kinda still hurts :\
